Thursday, November 1, 2012
GASF on IAAS and Other Acronyms
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
CFP: Transatlantic Studies Association Annual Conference
Northumbria University, Newcastle, 8-11 July 2013
- Professor Donna Alvah (St. Lawrence University)
- Professor Susan Manning (University of Edinburgh)
- Professor Michael Clarke (Royal United Services Institute)
- Professor Erwan Lagadec will lead a roundtable discussion of his book, Transatlantic Relations in the 21st Century with respondents
The general panels, subpanels and panel leaders for 2012 are:
1. Literature and Culture:
Constance Post, and Louise Walsh walsh.lou@gmail.comSub-panels:
- Transatlantic Romantic Dialogues: Clare Elliott,
2. Economics:
Fiona Venn, and Joe McKinney joe_mckinney@baylor.edu3. History, Security Studies and IR
Alan Dobson and David Ryan david.ryan@ucc.ieSub-panels:
- NATO: Ellen Hallams, and Luca Ratti, Ben, Zyla,
- Ethnicity and security in the transatlantic world: David Haglund
- The U.S. Pivot to Asia: Erwan Lagadec,
- Diplomats at War: The American Experience: Simon Rofe
- Anglo-American Relations: Steve Marsh and Charlie Whitham Whitham,
- Transatlantic Relations during the Second World War: Tom Mills and Gavin Bailey
- Bringing South Borders In: Perceptions, Strategies and Political Action of Latin America and Africa in Transatlantic Relations: Alexandre Luís Moreli Rocha
- Transatlantic Approaches to Energy Security: John R. Deni,
- 40th Anniversary of the 1973 Oil and Middle Eastern Crises: Transatlantic Perspectives: Fiona Venn
4. Planning, Regeneration and the Environment
Antonia Sagredo, and Tony Jackson
5. Migration and Diaspora in the Atlantic World
Tanja Bueltmann,
- The Anglican Church in the Atlantic World: Joe Hardwick,
- British Cultural Legacies in the Atlantic World: Tanja Bueltmann,
Monday, October 22, 2012
Amiri Baraka to read at NUI Galway
From the Marketing & Communications Office, NUI Galway:
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Salzburg Global Seminar: American Studies Symposium
Screening America: Film and Television in the 21st Century
- Ron Clifton (Chair) - Retired Counselor, Senior Foreign Service of the United States; teaching, lecture and research interests include analysis of the perception, reaction and impact of American culture abroad and the implications for cultural diplomacy and foreign policy.
- Melis Behlil - Assistant Professor and Chair, Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, Kadir Has University, Istanbul; member of steering committee, European Network of Cinema and Media Studies; research interests include production studies, Hollywood, and globalization
- Christopher Bigsby - Professor of American Studies and director of the Arthur Miller Centre for American Studies, University of East Anglia, UK; broadcaster and award-winning novelist and biographer; currently writing a book on American television drama.
- Christof Decker - Professor of American and Media Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich; editor and author of Visuelle Kulturen der USA/Visual Cultures of the USA (2010)
- Walter Hölbling - Professor of U.S. Literature and Culture, American Studies Department, Karl-Franzens-University, Graz, Austria
- Lary May - Professor of American Studies and History, University of Minnesota; current project: "Foreign Affairs: Global Hollywood and America's Cultural Wars
- Toby Miller - (Keynote Speaker) Professor and Chair, Media & Cultural Studies, University of California Riverside; Author, Global Hollywood 2(2005), Makeover Nation (2008), and Greening the Media (2012)
- Richard Pells - Professor of History Emeritus, University of Texas at Austin; author of "Modernist America: Art, Music, Movies, and the Globalization of American Culture"(2011)
- William Uricchio - Professor and Director, MIT Comparative Media Studies Programs; Professor of Comparative Media History, Utrecht University; currently working on the history of the televisual and on algorithms as cultural form
2013 Terra Foundation Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowships and Visiting Professorships
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship at the Courtauld Institute of Art, London, 2013-2015
Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship at the Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, Paris, 2013-2015
Visiting Professorships at the Courtauld Institute of Art, London, 2013-2015
Visiting Professorships at the Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, Paris, 2013-2015
Visiting Professorships at the John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universitat Berlin, 2013-2015
“Worlds Out of Joint: Re-Imagining Philip K. Dick,” TU Dortmund University, Germany, November 15-18, 2012
North American Studies Post at Uppsala University
- Eligibility requirements: Applicants are eligible for employment as a senior lecturer (assistant professor) if they have completed a doctorate or possess the equivalent academic competence or have some other professional competence of significance in regard to the content of the position and the duties included in the position; have completed relevant tertiary-level teacher training comprising ten weeks or in some other manner acquired the equivalent knowledge; possess documented teaching skills; and have the general capabilities necessary to carry out fully the duties of the appointment.
- Assessment criteria: In selecting among eligible applicants equal emphasis will be placed on academic and teaching competence. The applicants’ academic qualifications must lie within the subject area of North American studies. In the assessment of academic qualifications, great emphasis will be given to breadth, to social and cultural perspectives in applicants’ research, and to research qualifications in United States politics or United States media.
- Assessment of teaching skills will include planning, execution, and evaluation of teaching as well as supervision and examination. Primary consideration will be given to the quality of teaching, and teaching skills must be well documented in a way that enables evaluation.
- Assessment criteria, other skills: Administrative competence is important for this position and will be afforded weight. Attention will also be paid to the ability to collaborate with the wider community and to inform others about research and developmental work. The capacity to inform others about research and developmental work is shown through popularizing activities, such as involvement in mass education, publication of popularly oriented writings, and participation in the public debate on education and research issues.
- Administrative competence is shown, for instance, in the ability to plan, organize, and prioritize work in an efficient and goal-oriented manner and in the capacity to establish and respect timeframes. Competence comprises overarching operational planning and the ability to manage resources and the ability to work in a structured manner and with awareness of goals and quality.
- Documented good capacity to cooperate with others.
- Personal circumstances (such as parental leaves) that may be beneficial to the applicant when qualifications are assessed should be included in the list of qualifications and experience.
- The University strives to achieve a better gender balance among its teachers, and men are especially encouraged to apply for this position.
- The application must be written in English. A complete application, including writings brought to bear, must be submitted in triplicate in paper form and comprise:
- A compilation of academic, teaching, and administrative qualifications (CV) documented by witnessed copies of grades, certificates, and other documents that are being brought to bear. The documentation of teaching qualifications must contain certificates, course evaluations, and qualitative assessments from directors of studies/equivalent.
- A brief account of the applicant’s academic, teaching, and administrative activities. It should be clear from this account what investigations and findings as well as other achievements in general the applicant feels should receive primary consideration in the assessment. The portfolio of teaching qualifications should be designed in a way that makes their qualitative assessment possible.
- A list of the academic and teaching-related works brought to bear. The applicant is to select no more than ten of these publications or other works for primary consideration.
- The works (maximum of 10) selected for primary consideration, in triplicate.
- In this recruitment the recruitment group may make use of interviews, trial lectures, and references. The applicant must therefore submit a list of references that can illuminate her/his professional competence and personal characteristics of significance for the appointment, such as capacity to lead and cooperate with others.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Free eBook: Inside the Presidential Debates
Did you know that the University of Chicago Press offers one of their publications each month for free in ebook format? This month's free ebook has an American Studies slant, and is certainly topical. Check out the link below. You can also subscribe to receive alerts when a new free ebook is released each month.
Inside the Presidential Debates: Their Improbable Past and Promising Future
by Newton N. Minow and Craig L. LaMay.
From the University of Chicago Press:
“There may be no one alive who cares more about America’s democracy than Newton Minow, who was there at the creation of the modern political debate. The riveting first-person stories he and Craig LaMay tell of debates in one election after another take us to the heart of American political life and argue for a continued central role for debates in our electoral process. Their book is must reading for anyone who wants to understand how to ensure that comes about.” - Judy Woodruff
Friday, September 28, 2012
Spanish Association for American Studies Conference: TRANS
The deadline for paper proposals to the Spanish Association for American Studies conference, "TRANS-": The Poetics and Politics of Crossing in the US," is October 15, 2012.
Contributors are required to submit paper proposals to the panel chairs before this date.
For a full list of Panels, instructions for submission and application form, see
The 11th International SAAS Conference, "TRANS" will be held in La Laguna (Tenerife, Canary Islands) from March 20 to March 22, 2013.
If you have any questions, contact Cristina Alsina.
American Literary History presents a Special Issue: Writing the Presidency
Editors: Stephanie Li and Gordon Hutner
About this issue
The essays contained in this ALH forum on "Writing the Presidency" detail a long tradition of writings by and about US presidents, analyzing how the rhetoric surrounding presidential writing signifies in its immediate political moment, and subsequently how such texts seek to define American patriotism and leadership. Taking up multiple and diverse methodologies, questions, and subjects, the authors gathered here demonstrate how presidents and presidential candidates help construct our national ideals.
Three of the articles from this Special Issue have been made FREE until the end of November.
There Were Two Gerald Fords: John Hersey and Richard Reeves Profile a President
James L. Baughman
Reagan and the Rise of the Blockbuster Political Memoir
Craig Fehrman
The Parallel Lives of Bill Clinton
Stephanie Li
Additional articles in this Special Issue include:
Introduction: Writing the Presidency
Stephanie Li and Gordon Hutner
Profiles in Courage, JFK's Book for Boys
John Michael
The Primary Colors of American Politics
John M. Murphy
"America's Exhibit A": Hillary Rodham Clinton's Living History and the Genres of Authenticity
Sidonie Smith
Commentary: Do the Write Thing: Politics, Prose, and the Presidency
Glenn C. Altschuler
Dana D. Nelson
The Rise of the Academic Novel
Jeffrey J. Williams
The Humanities and the National Interest
Eric J. Sundquist
What Can American Studies and Comparative Literature Learn from Each Other
Ali Behdad
Alienation Revisited
Johannes Voelz
To browse the full Special Issue online visit:
If your institution subscribes, you will be able to access the full text articles.
To recommend this journal to your librarian view the form here:
PhD Position in American Studies at Groningen, Netherlands
Job description
Specialty areas: Early American Culture, Colonial & Imperial Identities
Applications are invited for one PhD-student position at the Graduate School for the Humanities, Literary and Cultural Studies.
Applicants are encouraged to develop their own research plans and should submit a 500-1000 word proposal dealing with early American literature and history. Candidates should plan to study the processes of colonization in North and/or South America, as well as the representation of those processes and their byproducts -- captivity, conversion, and war -- in texts from before 1800. Appropriate case studies could include Barlaeus's praise of Johan Maurits in Brasil, poetic accounts from the Arauco War, and reworkings of the myth of Pocahontas first propagated by John Smith. Research questions might be how New World knowledge changed the ideological justifications for empire; how intercultural contact shaped emerging ideas of race; and whether the Christianization of Indians came to condone (cultural) violence.
The above case studies and questions are merely examples: candidates should come up with their own ideas. Projects should aim to answer such large questions through smaller, specific case studies. Interdisciplinary and comparative proposals, combining, for example, literary, historical, and ethnographical methods, as well as those considering two or more languages are especially encouraged. The PhD student should be highly self-motivated, but will be supervised by and collaborate with more senior scholars.
The Faculty of Arts is a large, dynamic faculty in the heart of the city of Groningen. It has more than 5000 students and 700 staff members, who are working at the frontiers of knowledge every day. The Faculty offers a wide range of degree programmes: 19 Bachelor's programmes and over 35 Master's programmes. Our research, which is internationally widely acclaimed, covers the following fields: Archaeology, Cultural Studies, History, International Relations, Journalism, Language and Literary Studies, and Linguistics.
- MA degree in a relevant area (English, Spanish, History, American Studies)
- a good knowledge of early American literature and history
- preferably one or more of the following skills: reading competence in early modern English, Dutch, French, and/or Spanish
- publication skills and desire to publish
- academic ambition
Conditions of employment
The University of Groningen offers a salary of € 2,042 gross per month in the first year to € 2,612 gross per month in the fourth year (figures based on full employment). The 0.9 fte appointment is temporary for a specified period of four years. You will first be appointed for 18 months. After the first year there will be an assessment of the candidate's results and the progress of the project to decide whether the employment will be continued.
Appointments will be effective from 1 January 2013.
The PhD candidates will be enrolled in the Graduate School for the Humanities and affiliated with the Institute for the Study of Culture Groningen (ICOG).
Applications should be in English and will contain the following:
- a letter of application
- a 500-1000 word research proposal
- curriculum vitae
- a copy of your diploma with a list of grades
- your MA thesis or MA dissertation
- the names and email addresses of two (academic) referees
The interviews will probably take place in between 7 and 21 November 2012.
You may apply for this position until 15 October 2012 via
For information you can contact: Ms. Dr Joanne van der Woude
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Fulbright Awards Now Open to Applicants
- Fulbright Student Awards: For up to one academic year for postgraduate study or research in the United States in any discipline, including the arts. Grants are a maximum of $20,000. Applicants may stay to complete their academic program if it is longer than one year.
- Fulbright Scholar and Professional Awards: Grants available for up to €35,000 (Irish Language) and $20,000 (General Awards) for academics and professionals with more than five years’ experience to research and/or lecture in the US, lasting between and three and twelve months.
- Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistantship (FLTA) Awards: Ten-month Awards for Irish language teachers to refine their teaching skills in the US by teaching at a US college and taking classes at a post-graduate level. Grants are available for approximately €20,000.
- Fulbright-Environmental Protection Agency Award in Water, Climate Change, and Sustainable Environment (Student and Scholar)
- Fulbright-Marine Institute Award on Any Marine Science/Business Topic (Student and Scholar)
- Fulbright-Enterprise Ireland Award in Innovation (Student Only)
- Fulbright-Teagasc Award in Agriculture, Food, and Forestry (Student Only)
- Fulbright-University of Notre Dame LL.M. in International Human Rights Law (50% tuition waiver) (Student Only)
Friday, August 31, 2012
New PhD Program in American Studies at UNC
Sixteen faculty members teach and work in an array of fields including American intellectual, social, and cultural history, foodways, material culture, popular and folk music, literary and film criticism, American religions, American Indian expressive culture, art and visual culture, vernacular architecture, popular culture, new media and public engagement, and culturally informed public policy.
Graduate programs are designed for depth and breadth in American Studies and Folklore - and they competitively position graduates for careers in a rapidly changing world of scholarly opportunities. The emphasis is on the centrality of the interdisciplinary humanities for all aspects of intellectual and professional life.
UNC's American Studies graduate program is described in detail on
Applications are being accepted for fall 2013.
Please address questions to Professor Bernard Herman, Chair, or to co-Directors of Graduate Studies Patricia Sawin, and Joy Kasson.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
The Terra Foundation for American Art International Essay Prize
Manuscripts should advance understanding of American art, demonstrating new findings and original perspectives. The prize-winning essay will be translated and published in American Art, the Smithsonian American Art Museum's scholarly journal.
We are pleased to announce an increased and enhanced prize award this year: the winner will receive a $1,000 cash award and a $2,000 travel stipend to give a presentation in Washington, D.C., and meet with museum staff and fellows. This prize is supported by funding from the Terra Foundation for American Art.
The aim of the award is to stimulate and actively support non-U.S. scholars working on American art topics, foster the international exchange of new ideas, and create a broad, culturally comparative dialogue on American art. Ph.D. candidates and above are eligible to participate in the competition. Essays may focus on any aspect of historical American art and visual culture (pre-1980). Preference will be given to studies that address American art within a cross-cultural context and offer new ways of thinking about the material. A strong emphasis on visual analysis is encouraged. Manuscripts previously published in a foreign language are eligible if released within the last two years (please state the date and venue of the previous publication). For scholars from English-language countries, only unpublished manuscripts will be considered. Authors are invited to submit their own work for consideration. We urge scholars who know of eligible articles written by others to inform those authors of the prize.
The length of the essay (including endnotes) shall not exceed 8,500 words with approximately 12 to 14 illustrations. The text of the essay should be submitted by e-mail as a Word file, accompanied by a PDF file containing all of the illustrations. A curriculum vitae should be included. Manuscripts submitted in foreign languages should be accompanied by a detailed abstract in English.
The submissions must be sent to by January 15, 2013. Questions or comments may be addressed to the same address.
For more information on American Art, please consult
For details on the Terra Foundation for American Art, please visit
Terra Prize Recipients
2010: Sergio Cortesini, "Unseen Canvases: Italian Painters and Fascist Myths across the American Scene"
2011: Alex J. Taylor, "Unstable Motives: Propaganda, Politics and the Late Work of Alexander Calder"
2012: Sophie Cras, "Art as Investment and 'Artistic Shareholding' Experiments in the 1960s"
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Call For Papers: Memory: America Past, Present and Future
The conference will be organised around the broad theme of ‘Memory: America Past, Present and Future’. Memory (and the lack of memory) is an important part of what creates the concept of America as a cultural, social and political object. With new apocalyptic stories on the horizon, such as erratic environmental patterns, fragile financial markets and the Mayan Calendar ending on 21 December 2012, we cannot avoid the recurring yet important topic in American Studies, of how memory (both individual and collective) shapes our views on the trajectory of the United States, from its colonial and national origins, through its ascendance on the global stage in the twentieth century and, arguably, its contemporary decline as a world power.
The conference invites proposals for 20-minute presentations and welcomes proposals from a variety of areas within American Studies to give fresh perspectives on America’s past, present and future through the broad lens of memory. The topics include, but are not limited to:
memory and the shaping of American narratives
representations of memory and forgetting
memory and transatlanticism
memory and postcolonialism
memory and gender
memory, citizenship and American identity
memory and American geography/landscape
memory and American exceptionalism
memory and the environment
music and memory
absence of memory
the body and memory
ancestral memories
memory, oblivion and re-memory
- false and misinterpreted memories
Please e-mail abstracts of no more than 300 words, to the attention of the conference committee at baaspg2012 [at]
Abstracts should include your name, institution, e-mail address, and the title of your proposed paper.
The deadline for submissions is 1 September 2012.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
American Identities in the Graphic Novel
Call For Papers
The graphic novel has staked out a discursive terrain that encompasses identity on many levels. Superhero comics, and the extended works derived from them, appeal to the fertile iconography within the comics genre as well as the broader motifs of cultural myth. In addition, personal identities are frequently explored via graphic novel autobiography; these also treat broader concerns of culture that orbit issues of individual and collective identities. This special issue of the European Journal of American Studies will be co-edited by Pawel Frelik and Michael J. Prince, and will explore diverse expressions of American identities in the graphic novel and volume-length collections of comics series.
Conference: The War of 1812 - Myth and Memory, History and Historiography
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
The Galway American Studies Forum Presents...
The American media and the Vietnam War, 1968-71
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
CFP EXTENSION: Transatlantic Studies Association Annual Conference
- Professor Constance Post (Iowa State University)
"Particles, Waves, and Fields: Momentum and the Transatlantic Turn in Literary and Cultural Studies" - Professor Fredrik Logevall (Cornell University)
‘Same Bed, Different Dreams: France and America in Vietnam’
IAAS Postgraduate BAAS Conference Bursary
School of English
Queen's University Belfast
Belfast BT7 1NN
IAAS Postdoctoral/Early Career Research & Travel Bursary
School of English
Queen's University Belfast
Belfast BT7 1NN
Monday, April 30, 2012
GASF Inaugural Meeting: Minutes
- What American Studies has mean historically, and what it has come to mean in recent years.
- The EXPLORE project, the NUI Galway Bright Ideas Initiative, and the Student Projects Fund.
- Background to the formation of the forum - a place to try out ideas, discuss methodological issues and develop a community of scholars concerned with American Studies in NUI Galway.
- Building a bridge between NUI Galway and the Irish and British Associations of American Studies.
- Some ideas for special events.
- We performed that embarrassing task of going around the room, introducing ourselves and our research, and discussing what we hoped to gain from the forum. These expectations included: helping to fill out gaps in each others knowledge; looking to scholars concerned with the U.S. to inform aspects of research on South American topics; seeking information on funding available for travel; publication and conference opportunities.
- Having traveled recently to the BAAS Conference in Manchester, and the IAAS Conference in Cork, Rosemary gave a rundown of how these associations operate and the benefit of our involvement, particularly in terms of disseminating our research through conference papers and publications.
- The IAAS is very keen to rekindle links with NUI Galway. The GAS Forum will create a community of scholars in Galway concerned with American Studies, and through visiting speakers and participation in IAAS organised conferences, we can disseminate our research further afield.
- The GAS Forum will include researchers concerned with South America and Canada, not just the United States. In an inter-disciplinary forum debates about issues such as gender, ethnicity, and colonisation can be more well-informed if South American Scholars in particular are present. The inclusion of Canada and South American in the field is a topic of ongoing debate in the larger associations, however the members of GASF feel a continental approach is beneficial.
- NUI Galway could potentially host an American Studies Conference in the near future. Members of the forum could assist each other in hosting American Studies themed events.
- BAAS has issued a call-for-papers for its Postgraduate Conference in November, Memory: America Past, Present and Future.
- IAAS is accepting submissions for its journal, to be published biannually. Contact details will be posted shortly, upon confirmation.
- One common concern of the scholars present was the issue of funding overseas travel.
- GASF will endeavor to host information sessions in the coming months on the Fulbright Scholarship in September/October ahead of the November deadline, and other funding opportunities as they are advertised.
- The IAAS may be able to assist postgraduate students who wish to travel to BAAS conferences in the UK. Further details to be posted when available.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
2012 Presidential Elections in the United States: challenges and expectations
Call for papers
American presidency, the most important office in the U.S. political system, has long been considered as one of the most powerful political institutions in the world. Due to its enormous power and fact that its holder also symbolizes the United States as the country, the presidency gained a notion of an 'elective kingship'. Therefore recruitment process for the office had become a very much sophisticated and time-consuming process, that led journalist Arthur T. Hadley to coin it as 'irrational marathon'. Indeed, running a presidential campaign has nowadays been multivariable enterprise, which consumes vast amounts of time, energy and financial resources.
To appeal to voters, presidential candidates plan their operations years in advance, building huge campaign organizations that cost more and more money from electoral cycle to cycle. As media reporters and crews are assigned to each person creating their exploratory committee to run a campaign, the presidential election process gains more audience nationally and worldwide. In this environment, again to borrow from Arthur T. Hadley, 'running for president has become a full-time profession' for everyone interested: candidates and their families, political consultants and operatives, media people, scholars and ordinary citizens, etc.
Within this context, we would like to hold a discussion on the ongoing issue of 2012 Presidential Elections in the United States. What are the problems that the next president is going to be challenged by? How are candidates expected to appeal to voters and what challenges they must meet on the contemporary campaign trail? What are the challenges of the modern campaigning and how the U.S. political system is expected to deal with them?
To discuss the phenomenon, we welcome panel and paper proposals for wide range of issues, including, but not limited to, American electoral system, presidential nomination and general election process & outcomes, campaign finance, electoral turnout and voting behavior, the role of media and new media, political communication and campaign rhetoric, election and political parties, interests groups and grassroot movements in the electoral process, and others.
All those wishing to participate are encouraged to send their proposals either for 15-20 minute presentations or whole group panels (abstract of max. 300 words + brief CV) by May 31, 2012 to 2012electionsconference@gmail.
Conference fee, that covers conference materials, coffee breaks & refreshments, lunches, official banquet dinner, and publication of post-conference volume, is 450 PLN (about 100 EUR), paid until September 1st, 2012 or 650 PLN (about 150 EUR), if paid later.
The Conference will be held at the old buildings of the Jagiellonian University in the beautiful historical center of Krakow.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the conference organizers, Paweł Laidler, PhD, and Maciej Turek, PhD, at 2012electionsconference@gmail.
Beyond the Myth: New Perspectives on Western Texts
London: Portal, 2011. ISBN: 978-84-938360-7-8.
Classical notions of the West and associated images, symbols, and values retain their appeal for an important number of Americans, as well as engaging the imagination of an international audience.
However, despite the resilience of the myth, it may be argued that an increasing number of artistic portraits of the American West debunk traditional mythology, rejecting at the same time extreme reductionism to simplistic binary oppositions, such as the one between myth and reality. Instead, the main emphasis is on the West as a complex, interrelated, unfinished, and plural space, consisting of multiple meanings and often intercultural experiences and identities. In this globalized age of trans-oceanic studies the international and hybrid properties of western American culture have become more visible than ever. Most of the essays in this book support this shift towards transnational frameworks, both challenging reductionist regional and national perspectives and vindicating the point of view of the outsider. Adopting transnational perspectives does not mean neglecting the importance of regional and local studies that testify to the multiple and overlapping cultures and literatures existing in the American West. The book embraces a diverse literary western landscape, aiming to mediate between the regional and the global in order to understand a literature that, after all, claims to be both exceptional and universal. This volume also extends the analysis of western iconography to other artistic manifestations than writing, adopting primarily a postwestern approach.
Table of Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Preface. Elegy and the Defiance of Elegy: Longing and Writing in the American West, by Gregory Martin
- Introduction: Reconsidering Western Writing beyond the Regional Imaginary and its Mythic Borders, by David Rio
- The Rural West as Frontier: A Myth for Modern America, by J. Dwight Hines David
- Guterson's The Other, the Doppelganger Tradition Visits the American North West, by Aitor Ibarrola
- That Boy Ain't Right: Jimmy Blevins, John Grady Cole, and Mythic Masculinity in All the Pretty Horses, by Maria O'Connell
- Western Images in Paul Auster's Work: from Moon Palace to Later Fiction, by Jesús Ángel González
- Affective Critical Regionalism in D.J. Waldie's Suburban West, by Neil Campbell
- Shoshone Mike and the Basques, by Monika Madinabeitia
- Revision of American Indian Stereotypes and Post-Indian Identity in Sherman Alexie's Flight, by Elisa Mateos
- The Pros and Cons of Writing Confessional Memoir in the Mormon Milieu, by Phyllis Barber
- Film and Chicano I/dentity in Tino Villanueva's Scene from the Movie GIANT, by Juan Ignacio Guijarro
- "Wagon Train to the Stars:" Star Trekkin' the U.S. Western Frontier, by Stefan Rabitsch
- From California to Jarama Valley: Woody Guthrie's Folk Banditry, by David Fenimore
- How
Some of the West Was Lost in Translation: The Influence of Franco's
Censorship on Spanish Westerns, by Carmen Camus
- Notes on Contributors
- Index
For further information or to order a copy, please check
Scholarships for Two Symposia at the Salzburg Global Seminar
American Studies Symposia at the Salzburg Global Seminar - 2012
1) Resistance and Readiness: Immigration, Nativism and the Challenge of Ethnic and Religious Diversity in the US and Europe Today - September 27-October 1, 2012 Distinguished specialists in the field will lead plenary sessions, panels and discussion groups looking at such topics as grounds for migration (push and pull factors), dichotomies between "natives" and "newcomers" and their significance in the US and Europe, identifies and distinctions between "they" and "we" as expressed in politics and in the art and literature of marginality, patterns of adaptation and integration -- and isolation, and the varied meanings of "tolerance". For more information about the program and speakers see
2) Screening America: Film and Television in the 21st Century - November 15-19, 2012 The symposium will concern itself with changes in the modern media and particularly in the film and television industries, and the ways in which film and television have reflected and engaged with America and abroad. In addition to sessions related to and the impact of films and television on individuals, sessions will explore their institutional effect on the arts, technology and politics of the US and ultimately their relation to the perception of America abroad. For more information about the program and speakers see
The ASN is sponsoring this award to acknowledge the important role played by the Salzburg Global Seminar in the establishment of American Studies in Europe since 1947, where the founding of the EAAS took place in 1954. Scholars who would like to receive the program announcement and apply for this award should send an email to Ms. Marty Gecek, Symposium Director, along with a brief cv and a personal statement about his/her interest in attending.
EJAS Special Issue: Wars and New Beginnings in American History
War has been a defining moment in the history of nations and no more so than in the United States. It gives the editors of EJAS great pleasure to present this excellent volume of essays focussed on the issue of American national rhetoric and American wars. This volume is comprised of essays that were presented at a workshop on “Wars and New Beginnings in American History”, which took place in Dublin in 2010 at the biennial conference of the European Association for American Studies, or are invited contributions on the topic of American wars.
Table of contents
- Jenel Virden: A brief foreword to «Wars and New Beginnings in American History: An American National Rhetoric from the Early Republic to the Obama Presidency»
- Rob Kroes and Jean Kempf: Editors’ Introduction
- Jaap Verheul: “A Peculiar National Character”: Transatlantic Realignment and the Birth of American Cultural Nationalism after 1815
- Jutta Ernst: Washington Crossing the Media: American Presidential Rhetoric and Cultural Iconography
- Mark Meigs: Photographic Histories of the Civil War and the First World War and Rebirth
- Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet: War and National Renewal: Civil Religion and Blood Sacrifice American Culture
- Robert W. Rydell: Soundtracks of Empire: “The White Man’s Burden,” the War in the Philippines, the“Ideals of America,” and Tin Pan Alley
- David Ellwood: The American challenge in uniform: the arrival of America’s armies in World War II and European women
- Peter Schrijvers: ‘A Modern Liberation’. Belgium and the Start of the American Century, 1944-1946
Marja Roholl: Preparing for Victory. The U.S. Office of War Information Overseas Branch’s illustrated magazines in the Netherlands and the foundations for the American Century, 1944-1945 - Frank Mehring: The Promises of “Young Europe”: Cultural Diplomacy, Cosmopolitanism, and Youth Culture in the Films of the Marshall Plan
- Jean-Paul Gabilliet: Making a homefront without a battlefront: The manufacturing of domestic enemies in the early Cold War culture
- Kate Delaney: The Many Meanings of D-Day
- Rob Kroes: The power of rhetoric and the rhetoric of power: Exploring a tension within the Obama presidency