
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Call for Papers: Ireland, Slavery, Antislavery, Empire Symposium

University College Dublin, 28-30 October, 2013

Confirmed Keynotes:
  • Richard Blackett, Vanderbilt University
  • Nini Rodgers, Queens University, Belfast

Call for Papers:
Nini Rodgers' Ireland, Slavery and Anti-Slavery, 1612-1865 (2007) demonstrated that slavery has had a dramatic impact both on the Irish who emigrated across the Atlantic and upon the economy at home. As significantly, for black abolitionists, Ireland occupied an important site both as a place of literal freedom and as a vehicle through which complex questions of race, freedom, equality, empire and political subjectivity might be explored. This symposium offers the opportunity to further these
discussions, and also to open debate on sometimes neglected relationships between Ireland
and Latin America, Brazil, Africa or India, and to the related complexities, ambivalences and contradictions that the context of empire introduces to discussions of slavery and anti-slavery more broadly.

Ireland, slavery, anti-slavery, empire invites papers or panels from across the humanities and social sciences, and from Hispano, luso, franco and Anglophone areas of scholarship, focused on the relationship between Ireland, slavery, and ethical culture in the context of empire(s) from the 17th into
the early 20th century. We also welcome papers on the memory, representation and challenges of that relationship in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Topics might include, but are by no means limited to:
  • Revolution or rebellion
  • Slavery in Irish literature or Ireland in Black literature
  • The archive
  • The Congo
  • The Caribbean, Africa, Indian, Latin America and Ireland
  • Missionaries
  • emancipation
  • Collection and curation
  • Labour
  • War and military service
  • American slavery
  • Religion 
  • Black activism and imperial space
  • Death
  • Travel writing/Exploration
  • The raced/gendered body
  • Slavery, empire and visual culture
  • Whiteness
  • Emigration/colonisation
  • Kinship
  • Remembering or forgetting slavery, including contemporary slavery, and empire.

Abstracts of c 200 words, and a brief biography,  should be sent to Fionnghuala Sweeney, Maria Stuart or Fionnuala Dillane by 16 June, 2013. Papers should be in English and of no more than 20 minutes duration.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Call for Papers: Transatlantic Studies Association

Northumbria University, Newcastle, 8-11 July 2013
The Chairman of the TSA, Prof Alan Dobson (St. Andrews University) and Dr. Michael Patrick Cullinane (Northumbria University) would like to extend an invitation to the 2013 Transatlantic Studies Association Annual Conference.
Our outstanding 2013 plenary guests are: 
  • Professor Donna Alvah (St. Lawrence University)
  • Professor Michael Clarke (Royal United Services Institute)
  • Professor Erwan Lagadec will lead a roundtable discussion of his book, Transatlantic Relations in the 21st Century with respondents

Panel proposals and individual papers are welcome for any of the general or sub-panels.  A 300 word abstract of proposal and brief CV to panel leaders or to AlanDobson and Michael Cullinane.
Deadline – 30 April 2013.
The general panels, subpanels and panel leaders for 2012 are:
  1. Literature and Culture: Constance Post, and Louise Walsh
    - Transatlantic Romantic Dialogues: Clare Elliott
  2. Economics: Fiona Venn, and Joe McKinney 
  3. History, Security Studies and IR: Alan Dobson David Ryan
    - NATO: Ellen Hallams, and Luca Ratti, Ben, Zyla
    - Central and Eastern European Countries in NATO: Alliances, Politics, and Identity: Luca Ratti, Ben Zyla and Karolina MacLachlan
    - Ethnicity and security in the transatlantic world: David Haglund
    - The U.S. Pivot to Asia: Erwan Lagadec
    - Diplomats at War: The American Experience: Simon Rofe
    - Anglo-American Relations: Steve Marsh and Charlie Whitham,
    - Transatlantic Relations during the Second World War: Tom Mills and Gavin Bailey
    - Bringing South Borders In: Perceptions, Strategies and Political Action of Latin America and Africa in Transatlantic Relations: Alexandre Moreli
    - Transatlantic Approaches to Energy Security: John R. Deni
    - 40th Anniversary of the 1973 Oil and Middle Eastern Crises: Transatlantic Perspectives: Fiona Venn
  4. Planning, Regeneration and the Environment: Antonia Sagredo and Tony Jackson
  5. Migration and Diaspora in the Atlantic World: Tanja Bueltmann
    - The Anglican Church in the Atlantic World: Joe Hardwick
    - British Cultural Legacies in the Atlantic World: Tanja Bueltmann
For further information and the gateway for registration for the conference visit

Scottish Charity Regulator: TSA Charity Number SC039378